Thursday, December 7, 2017

Be Sweet to Me

Who doesn’t need a little sweetness in their lives? Whether it comes from family, friends, loved ones, or employers; there are times when we require certain people to be a little extra sweet to us. It may be that our relationship with an important individual to us has become a bit strained and we need to be able to resolve that situation in the smoothest way possible. Maybe the boss has extra cranky at the 
workplace and a little bit of breathing room is necessary to be comfortable at our jobs again. 

Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how to make someone sweet to us again.

Many so-called magicians object to using magic to “manipulate” others for our own desires, but then what else would magic be for? The pursuit of transcendental attainments, although theoretically appealing, tend to put us in conflict with the natural order of the universe. Without the important skills of subtle manipulation one might find themselves without a friend or ally. What good does your transcendental vision quest do for you if your boss fires you or you lose your network of support? And what is so wrong with making a love interest sweeter to you anyway? Some of us may lack natural charm and good looks, and a little bit of sweetness can go a long way.

Although there are numerous methods of sweetening others to you for a variety of reason, we are going to stick to methods that require few ingredients and simple methods. We need results, and we are on a budget. That is not to say that quality ingredients and refined methods don’t yield good results, but the confidence gained of achieving results with simple methods is important in evaluating one’s own skill.

This method will require the following: a small jar, a picture of the person to be made sweet, pure honey (make sure it is 100% natural honey), and a candle.

When you are ready to start, begin by lighting your candle.

Next, you will do the Kabbalistic Cross and follow with the Middle Pillar Ritual.
On the back of the picture you will write the following words: In the name of the spirits of my family father’s side mother’s side, I give you this sweet, so that you (insert person’s name) will be sweet to me and give me everything I want.

Place the picture in the jar so that the image is facing up. Pour honey in the jar as you recite the words you have written on the back of the paper, filling the jar to just below the brim.

Now, take the jar and the candle and present it to the four directions: east, west, north, and south. State your intentions clearly as you face each direction and ask that the spirit make this person sweet to you.

Place the candle and jar on your white tile or white plate where you do your ancestor ceremony.

At this point you can either allow the candle to burn down or begin to recite relevant psalms and prayers to aide your magic. I highly recommend using Psalms: 28, 31, 46, 47 for restoring relationships with friends and family, and using Psalms 47, 74, 132 for employers you are trying to sweeten. It doesn’t hurt to recite a Litany of the Saints as well when doing this sort of work. For an extensive lists of Psalms and prayers I recommend The Master Book of Psalms and The Book of Prayer by Jean Kent.

When you are done praying and the candle has burnt out place the jar of honey in your freezer. Continue your prayers and affirmations for the person to be sweet to you until you see a change in their behavior. Remember: Just because they are sweet does not mean that you can be abusive towards them! Be sweet yourself, and you will attract that behavior from others.

If you are seeking general love in your life, cut out a red heart and place it on your plate where you serve your ancestors. Try giving them some sweet honey and telling them to make your love life sweet for you.

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